Ethiopia considers reversing Somaliland recognition plan amid regional backlash

Ethiopia is considering scrapping a plan to recognize Somaliland amid international pressure to defuse regional tensions over the proposal, sources told Bloomberg. In January,...

3 of 631 IMF and World Bank Announce US$4.5 billion in Debt Relief for...

IMF Executive Board Concludes the Sixth Review of the Extended Credit Facility for Somalia December 13, 2023 Somalia has maintained strong reform momentum and program...

*New report* : The Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) for Africa is out!

Despite new international challenges, poor harvests, and the price shocks of 2022, many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa saw improvements in their social inclusion policies...

Somali political leaders issue a communique after two-day talks

DHUSAMAREB, Somalia โ€“ย A joint communique was issued at the end of a two-day national consultative meeting between the Somali government and the regional states. The...

Somaliaโ€™s Institutions get a Boost to Help Bring the Country Closer to Debt Relief

Somalia's efforts toward building strong institutions received a boost with a new $75 million grant, the second in a series of two grants that...

Somali leaders join hundreds of citizens in Eid al-Adha Prayer in Mogadishu

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamed, along with several government officials and hundreds of residents of Mogadishu, performed the Eid al-Adha prayer at the Islamic...

New action plan launched to enhance Somali womenโ€™s role in Somaliaโ€™s maritime sector 16...

ogadishuย โ€“ย A new national action plan for enhancing and empowering Somali women in their countryโ€™s maritime sector was launched today at a high-level event bringing...

Somali PM inspects DANAB Soldiers training in Baledogle Military Airbase

The Prime Minister of Somalia Hamza Abdi Barre has paid a visit to a major military base in Lower Shabelle region as the country...

Press Release – MIGA Supports Ground-Breaking Solar Project in Somalia

MIGAโ€™s first project in Somalia shows that renewable energy investment can be achieved in challenging environments. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) of the World...

Somaliaโ€™s Minister of Environment arrives in Finland for a 4-day work visit

The Minister of the Environment and Climate Change of the Federal Republic of Somalia Khadija Mohamed Almakhzoumi visits Finland on 31 Januaryโ€“3 February 2023. The...